Sarah Marsh 

Book of prayers returned to library 43 years late

Estimated late fine on book would be £6,278, tweets Royal Holloway University

Books on shelves
A Manual of Daily Prayers and Litanies was returned anonymously to the Royal Holloway University library. Photograph: Getty Images

A book has been returned to a library in a Surrey town after 43 years, alongside a letter including clues about who had borrowed it.

The Golden Grove, or A Manual of Daily Prayers and Litanies, by Jeremy Taylor, was due back more than four decades ago, but it was returned anonymously, the Royal Holloway University library said.

It tweeted to say the estimated late fine on the book would be about £6,278: “It’s official! We have a new winner for the Longest Overdue Library Book Award! Without consulting any other libraries, we’d like to award ourselves the prestigious LOLBA at the inaugural ceremony.” The library said the book was returned in good condition.

It added: “We know people can feel a bit guilty about a late book. We hope the belatedly honest former patron hasn’t had over 15,500 sleepless nights before they got round to returning it.”

The book, which was first published in 1655, includes prayers against lust, pride, “weakness in well-doing” and one for a holy and happy death.

The book was returned with a letter and clues about who had possessed it for all that time. The Royal Holloway University library said that current students with outstanding fines should visit the helpdesk and get them resolved. “This is kinda fun though,” it tweeted, without revealing who had returned the book.

In April last year, The Adventures of Beowulf by CL Thomson was returned to Shetland Library after being out on loan for more than 40 years. It was due to be returned in December 1975.

The broadcaster and writer Mary Blance uncovered the book after opening up an old suitcase. She said: “The staff in the library were hugely, immensely entertained and laughed. They took my photo.”

In 2016, a woman returned a book to a New Zealand library 67 years after it was due back. However, blowing this out of the water was the return of a book on international affairs that George Washington, the first US president, borrowed in 1789. It was returned to a New York library in 2010.

The president borrowed The Law of Nations by Emer de Vattel on 5 October 1789, according to the records of the New York Society Library.


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