Surprise! Harper Lee is in fact a woman

Twitter reactions to news of a follow-up to To Kill a Mockingbird including one from a BBC editor flub one rather important detail: its author is female

Harper Lee Gregory Peck
A lesson for everyone: Harper Lee is the one at right. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis

Never mind terrible book covers for female authors – this is, frankly, small potatoes in the world of gender and literature. Because even if you’re one of the most successful female novelists of the 20th century, some people will naively think that only a male pen could craft a classic. For proof, look no further than tweets following the announcement of Harper Lee’s newest book today.

BBC North America editor (no less!) Jon Sopel ate humble pie immediately after posting this gem (he later deleted it):

After being pilloried by dozens of his followers, he admitted to being mistaken:

We can only guess he then went home to read up on female authors “painting the American soul”. (We could, of course, brush up on our knowledge and head to the library to stock up on Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Sylvia Plath or Barbara Kingsolver novels).

Of course, if a BBC editor could make the mistake, others could (and did) too:


Why the sad face?

Some are very confused ...

Who will get to the bottom of this?

In the meantime, here’s a nice history lesson – something George Sand already understood in 1800s France:

Glad someone settled this:


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