Jon Harris 

Gill Howie obituary

Other lives: Inspirational professor and philosopher who sought to develop feminist philosophy

Gill Howie was a popular professor and head of philosophy at Liverpool University
Gill Howie was a popular professor at Liverpool University and contributed to the debate about feminist philosophy Photograph: Public Domain

My friend Gill Howie, who has died of cancer aged 47, was a popular and inspirational professor and head of philosophy at the University of Liverpool. As a philosopher, her work went deeply into the territory of political and social science, cultural studies and literary criticism. She sought to develop feminist philosophy, and to consider how this would change and respond to wider social developments for women and feminists. She set out these questions with typical care in her contribution to The Future of Philosophy in 1998 and in her own edited collection, Third Wave Feminism: A Critical Exploration (2004).

Gill was born in Guildford. After her undergraduate studies at Exeter University, she undertook a PhD at Jesus College, Cambridge, in the late 1980s and early 90s, influencing people with her trademark interest in all things human, her generosity of spirit and the ferocity of her intellectual inquiry.

She joined Liverpool University in 1995. We worked together on a 2008 conference, during Liverpool's capital of culture year, when Gill organised contributors from many different fields to consider "the future of the city".

Gill was naturally inclined to break down lines between academic departments. In those earlier years in Cambridge, she had a flat above the eclectic antique shop in Jesus Lane. Her home was a magnet for fledgling actors, politicians, psychologists and poets. Other people fascinated her, and her capacity to make room for others' thoughts was apparently limitless. I'd introduce her to someone at a party and find them still talking together hours later.

To Gill, social and political activism were obligations rather than choices. She served on the executives of Cambridge University Students' Union and Cambridge Labour Students, and was later an executive member of the Association of University Teachers, the British Philosophical Association and the Society for Women in Philosophy. 

More recently and in the light of her own illness, she led a research project, New Thinking On Living with Dying, exploring the philosophical significance of life-limiting illness. She brought her own feelings to the project with typical candour. A lecture she gave as part of the project can be seen on YouTube: in it, she considers questions such as whether knowledge of impending death gives enhanced or reduced meaning to the actions taken in one's life.

Gill was married to Simon Hughes, from whom she later separated, and they had two sons, Alfie and Henry, who survive her.


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