Hannah Freeman 

Tips, links and suggestions: Tell us what you would like us to cover

This is our reader's space to tell us about the books, author and subjects they'd like to read about. Join the discussion

A few months ago, we decided that once we'd reached 100 comments in the Tips, links and suggestions blog, we'd close it and start a new one. We've reached that point, so welcome to the new TLS open thread.

This is where you tell us what you'd like to talk about on the books site, the subjects you'd like to discuss and the authors or book people you'd like to read about or have the chance to chat to.

For a while we have been discussing opening up the books blog to guest posts from readers. I know that some of you thought we'd forgotten, but we didn't, and on 1 December we launched a new series called Winter reads where you have the opportunity to write a post about your favourite seasonal book or poem, and have it uploaded to the site under your byline.

If you'd like to send us a piece for this series, please email 500-700 words on your favourite winter book to sarah.crown@guardian.co.uk. Please be aware that we can't publish every submission and that this is a voluntary project. If you'd like to write a post and have any questions, please post them in this thread so everyone can benefit from the discussion.


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