
Somebody Up There Hates You by Hollis Seamon – review

laura,thespecialone: 'I really enjoyed this book as it was very funny but hard-hitting at the same time'

Somebody Up There Hates You by Hollis Seamon is about a 17-year-old boy called Richard, who is in a hospice as he has terminal cancer. Richard wants to make the most of the rest of his short life, gaining as many experiences as he can. He shares a few of these with Sylvie, the only other teenager there, but Sylvie also wants as many experiences, dragging Richard along with her, until a budding romance is formed, in very different circumstances. Richard tells about the hospice and his adventures, keeping light hearted and funny, but also showing the realities of SUTHY (Somebody Up There Hates You) syndrome.

I really enjoyed this book as it was very funny but hard-hitting at the same time. It really drew me in, though there were few twists and turns, as it was very interesting, and realistic. I also thought it was very clever how it continuously links in finding out more and more about the characters and the hospice as you continued reading. I would give this book 4 out of 5 as it was very thought-provoking and well written, but it is definitely for ages 13 + as it could be a bit hard hitting for younger readers.

• Buy this book at the Guardian Bookshop.

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