Bookworm Reader 

Opal Plumstead by Jacqueline Wilson- review

Bookworm Reader: 'It's a very hooking, descriptive and exciting book, I can't wait to read another book of Jacqueline Wilson's!'

Opal's poor father has been sentenced to a year's hard labour, meaning she has to go and find work at the Fairy Glen sweet factory. When she meets Mrs Roberts, a suffragette, Opal's life turns a little. Unfortunately, however Opal may try, she can't just quit Fairy Glen. She has her mother to look after, let alone her sister Cassandra, who is deceiving Opal and Cassie's mother.

My favourite character is Opal, because even though she went through VERY tough times, she never gave up. Her father went to prison, her sister left her, her mother is NOT very helpful! Opal didn't give up, no matter how hard times got. My LEAST favourite character is Opal's mother. Even though her husband and daughter had gone, she took it all out on Opal, thinking it was all her fault. She only ever was kind to her husband when she thought he had got a lot of money. I think she was really selfish!

This book was fantastically, brilliantly AMAZING! I would recommend the book for 10+ readers. It's a very hooking, descriptive and exciting book, I can't wait to read another book of Jacqueline Wilson's!

• Buy this book at the Guardian Bookshop.

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