
Varjak Paw by SF Said – review

CedarReaders: 'If we had to describe this book in three words, they would be nail-biting, outstanding and mind-blowing'

This story is the story of a cat called Varjak Paw who goes on an adventure. Varjak leaves his family to save them which is very intriguing. Varjak Paw meets two other cats called Holly and Tam. Varjak is trying to get a dog to save his family from the scary black cats. Suddenly Tam vanishes into thin air and Holly and Varjak go to find her.

We like Varjak because he is cute. There are some baddies who are Razer, Ginger and Sally Bones. We would recommend it to 7+ year olds because it has got some scary bits in.

Our favourite part of the story was when Tam and Holly, the stray cats, meet Varjak. We love this book especially as it gets us excited when a chapter ends as a cliff hanger. If we had to describe this book in three words, they would be nail-biting, outstanding and mind-blowing.

If we had to rate this book, we would give it 18 out of 20.

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