
Popular: Vintage Wisdom for a Modern Geek by Maya Van Wagenen – review

'imaginaryunicorn' 'Popular is a must read this summer, and has claimed a well deserved place on my dangerously full bookcase'

I began this book not expecting anything more than a laugh and a light, quick read. Oh boy, was I wrong. Popular is the memoir of Maya Van Wagenen, who embarked on a unique social experiment: to follow the advice of a 1950's etiquette and popularity guide. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? From girdles to pearls, Maya follows 'Betty Cornell's Teen-age Popularity Guide' exactly, with hilarious, and sometimes painfully cringe-inducing consequences. Taking almost a whole year, Maya dedicates each month to a particular chapter from the book: September focusing on figure problems, and May, on how to be a hostess! Can good posture, a more than slightly uncomfortable girdle and vaselined eyelids help Maya on her quest to be popular?...

This book made me smile, giggle and question what my idea of popularity really is. I loved the vintage vibe to it, from wearing pantyhose to school, and pearls and white gloves to church. Maya is refreshingly honest, easy to relate to, and I (not being particularly popular) feel like I truly understand her. I know it sounds cheesy, but Popular made me revaluate what being popular is, that those on the top of the social ladder are insecure (even boys!), and that friendliness, kindness and acceptance, always prevail over looks, fickle labels and hair. The incredibly intelligent Maya, now 15 years old, is a talented, charismatic writer (she also won one of Time's most influential teens of 2013!) and I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for her. Popular is a must read this summer, and has claimed a well deserved place on my dangerously full bookcase.

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