
Ghost Hawk by Susan Cooper – review

dewdrop: 'A truly inspirational book that is worth reading if you should ever want something interesting and new to sink your teeth into'

The 1600s, a time of fools and foolishness and where this book truly begins its first steps into becoming a novel. Welcome to the life of the true first discoverers of America, the first to call it home: the American Indians.

However, there is someone in particular I am referring to: the man Little Hawk, or as he is named in the title, Ghost Hawk. When the Englishmen first set their well-polished feet upon the unwelcoming land of America, our friend Little Hawk comes upon a young English boy named John. But, as the sun is attached to the moon, Little Hawk's future is entwined unexpectedly with this bright young lad.

A welcoming insight to the ignorance of the human race, Ghost Hawk uncovers the mortifying terrors experienced in the 1600's and how one can get used to even the most cruellest of tortures.

"Oh what fools these mortals be." This is an important quote in this tale of two beings, belonging to the same species but treated oppositely at the same time.

I liked this book, but I didn't truly love it. I found that it spoke of many opinions and told of a world drowned out by intruding men in black suits and top hats, but I couldn't relate to it like I could with other books. I found that the utter politeness of the past made you lose a part of their character, especially when told in third person. It felt like the only types of people in this book were either good or bad, when really there is a complex variety in the world which makes it unique.

However, perhaps I am just being harsh and overly critical on a piece of writing that tells the horrors of the human mind and its deception of wrong and right perfectly. When they say they believe in caring for everyone, yet they whip others who they think are less than them. It certainly made you ponder on how the human mind can so easily be corrupt and poisoned to a point of insanity and hypocrisy. Are we corrupt without even knowing it?

May I say though there is a certain part in the book I found a bit unlikely but it did tie in well with the satisfying ending that left the book wrapped up and well and truly finished with all the questions answered.

A truly inspirational book that is worth reading if you should ever want something interesting and new to sink your teeth into.

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