Darren Shan 

Darren Shan’s top tips for getting reluctant readers back into reading

Are you or do you know a teenager who has stopped reading? Darren Shan has some great advice for enjoying (rather than enduring) it again, and shares some of the best books to rock your world!

 Author Darren Shan
Darren Shan: 'Reading important? The way eating five portions of fruit and veg a day is important? Give me a break!' Photograph: Kieran Clancy Photograph: Kieran Clancy ©

I think one of the biggest reasons many teenagers choose to stop reading is that they see books as part of the educational system, something to be endured rather than enjoyed. This is natural, given the amount of adults out there banging on the same old stale soundbite of a drum, the one that goes "Reading is important". You hear it from teachers, parents, TV celebrities, politicians, etc – "It's so important that children read." Yet how many of them practise what they preach?!

I don't think reading is important. I think it's fun, exciting, mind-expanding, soul-forming. I think reading helps us make sense of the world and our place in it. I think it fills our heads with all sorts of different ideas, some dangerous, some rebellious, some contentious. But important? The way eating five portions of fruit and veg a day is important? Give me a break!

Now, there are plenty of adults who do truly get reading, who can help direct teenagers towards books that will thrill and intrigue them, who understand that reading is a pleasure, not a chore. It may well be that your teacher or parent is one such being, and can be a treasure trove of great tips if you ask them for a recommendation or two. Hell, maybe even your local politicians are or were avid readers — try asking them the next time they come polling! Just be wary of anyone who adopts a holier-than-thou attitude and starts telling you how important it is that you read…

Like most keen readers, once I get started talking about books, it's hard to shut me up, but I'll try not to waffle on too much here, just list some of my favourite new and older books, all of which will hopefully rock your world, not a one of which is in any way, shape or form important.

First, I really enjoyed Unwind by Neal Shusterman, which looks at what it would be like if your parents could have you legally chopped up into hundreds of pieces during your teenage years — a horror story for every teenager, but maybe wish-fulfillment for many parents!

Patrick Ness's Chaos Walking trilogy is a chilling study of fascism and religious, sexual and political extremism. The series is one of the best I've read in the last ten years, since …

... His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, another trilogy which also explored the abuse of power and the dangers of putting our trust in those who thirst for control while claiming the automatic rights of the supposedly unquestionably just.

I'm known primarily as a horror writer, even though my books bridge many genres, so it's only natural that I give a shout-out to a horror novel, but I think Let The Right One In by John Ajvinde Lindqvist is a book that actually transcends the confines of the horror field to appeal to just about any reader. It's a sad, beautiful, unnerving story of friendship, childhood, bullying, and vampires.

Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book is another that could be classified as horror, since it's about ghosts who live in (but of course!) a graveyard, and yes it is, but it's also so much more, a book that reminds me of Ray Bradbury at his very best.

Speaking of which, you should also try Dandelion Wine, by the said Ray Bradbury. He achieved fame as a sci-fi writer, but for me this is his best book, about the bittersweet sensation that comes as we leave our childhoods behind.

Well, I could go on and on (and want to, now that I've started) but I promised I wouldn't, so I'll stop there and simply wish you happy reading should you choose to give any of the above books a try. And if not … that's cool too. Your world won't end if you don't read lots of books, despite what anyone will tell you. It'll just be a little less colourful and interesting than it would otherwise be.


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