Guardian readers and Hannah Freeman 

Tips, links and suggestions: What are you reading this week?

The space to talk about the books you are reading, and find out which ones we are reviewing

What are you reading, today?
What are you reading, today? Photograph: Justine Gordon Photograph: Justine Gordon/

Goodyorkshirelass last week reminded me that we are getting close to that time of the year when we must think about which books to take on holiday. I've kept Gone Girl for my week away. This has meant I've had to run away from many conversations so I don't hear any spoilers. I hope it doesn't disappoint. What are you planning to take to read on holiday?

The books you were reading last week


I have just finished my first Le Carre, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold. It was mind-blowing, and brilliant. I intend to read more, but I might need to give the brain a rest first!


Slightly intimidated by the length of the posts already here.

Am currently reading McEwan's Sweet Tooth - not very far in, but already have doubts. Seems like a huge info-dump with not much dialogue. Will reserve final judgment until I've finished.


Just fininishing Karl Barth's Dogmatics in Outline. It took a while to get into but it is as rich as a chocolate cake. I think I may have theological indigestion at the moment.


'The Panopticon' - Jenni Fagan;
This is a book by a first time Scottish writer of novels, Jenni Fagan is a published poet and it shows in the prose. The poetry in this book shines through the horrors of the story of lives lived in care today. By the end of the book you care for characters and wonder what will happen to them-a sign of a good story.

Our review list


The Frontman by Harry Browne
Careless People by Sarah Churchwell
Permanent Present Tense by Suzanne Corkin
Lost, Stolen or Shredded by Rick Gekoski
Fragile Empire by Ben Judah
Forged: Why Fakes are the Great Art of Our Age by Jonathon Keats
Italian Ways by Tim Parks


Brief Encounters with Che Guevara by Ben Fountain
Tomorrow I Will be Twenty Years Old by Alain Mabanckou
Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan
Adjacent by Christopher Priest
Dirty Work by Gabriel Weston
All The Birds Singing by Evie Wyld


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