Happy Easter! Obviously today is about Jesus and stuff (I can say this ’cos I’m a Catholic), but for some of you, it will largely be about chocolate. There’s little point for me, today, to be talking about more chocolate so instead, I’m going to talk about books about chocolate.
Probably the biggest book I’ve ever seen about chocolate, dense with words, is The Secret Life of Chocolate by Marcos Patchett (Aeon, £75 – but look, he earned it). I wish I could tell you I’ve read it from cover to cover, but this would require an eremitic dedication. It’s a book you dip in and out of and occasionally get lost in. It majors on the pharmacology of chocolate and our history with the cacao bean; if there’s a better book for the chocolate scholar, tell me about it.
Dom Ramsey’s Chocolate: Indulge Your Inner Chocoholic, Become a Bean to Bar Expert (DK, £14.99) is a wonderful introduction to chocolate and would be accessible to anyone from an interested older child and beyond. As you might expect from its publisher, it’s heavy on pictures and diagrams. I know how hard it is to digest complex ideas and percolate them to make them accessible and this is what Ramsey has done.
Casa Cacao: The Return Trip to the Origin of Chocolate is by Jordi Roca and Ignacio Medina (Grub Street, £30). Roca is a restaurateur, chocolatier and one of the world’s top pastry chefs, and this is essentially an exquisite recipe book for next-level pastry cooks. Be warned: it’s not Delia.