Alison Flood 

Why should authors read your bad reviews?

After Angie Thomas requested that she not be tagged into negative reviews of her books on social media, she has received a torrent of abuse

‘We are people with feelings’ ... Angie Thomas.
‘We are people with feelings’ ... Angie Thomas. Photograph: Imani Khayyam/The Observer

History has yet to find the book that is universally adored – or the author who enjoys reading bad reviews. While Angie Thomas has topped the charts and scooped up armloads of awards for her two young adult novels, The Hate U Give and On the Come Up, her recent request that book bloggers stop sending her their negative reviews saw her on the receiving end of a wave of vitriol.

Thomas wasn’t asking reviewers to stop writing bad reviews. She was just asking that they didn’t give her a prod on Twitter or Instagram to tell her about it.

“Guess what? WE ARE PEOPLE WITH FEELINGS. What’s the point of tagging an author in a negative review? Really?” she wrote on Twitter. “We have to protect our mental space. Too many opinions, good or bad, can affect that … Getting feedback from too many sources can harm your writing process. I have a group of people whose feedback I value – my editor, my agent, other authors who act as beta readers. With the position I’m in, social media is for interacting with readers, not for getting critiques.”

Thomas has subsequently been subjected to online abuse from readers and reviewers. One reader announced that they’ll throw her books away. Others said that her response made them disinclined to read her. (“When people are rude and negative this way it makes me not want to support them.”) Some opined that “talking hood” – Thomas’s books dip in and out of African American vernacular – makes her seem “extremely unintelligent”.

Authors have been saying for years that they would prefer not to be tagged in bad reviews on social media. In November, Lauren Groff wrote that “tweeting it [a review] to a writer is like grabbing their cheeks and shouting it into their face”. It even happened before the social media era, such as when Alain de Botton was told about Caleb Crain’s review of The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work (“I will hate you till the day I die and wish you nothing but ill will in every career move you make,” wrote de Botton on Crain’s website). And perhaps, Martin Amis’s publishers should have kept him in the dark about Tibor Fischer’s write up of Yellow Dog. (“A creep and a wretch. Oh yeah: and a fat-arse,” said Amis of Fischer.)

But the blowback against Thomas is disproportionate when compared to how reviewers have reacted to this request in the past. As she herself points out: “Plenty of white authors have said the same thing about reviews without getting the same kind of attacks that I’ve received.”

The way the young adult book community can stray into toxicity has been well documented, with threats, abuse and calls for boycotts all now par for the course. Thomas, however, isn’t backing down, and nor should she. “I wrote a book about not being quiet. So you can be damn sure I will NOT be quiet. Harassment, attacks, microaggressions, coded language, ALL of it, I have no problem calling it out. Book community, you are toxic and problematic AF,” she says.


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