Sukhdev Sandhu 

Memory of a Free Festival by Sam Knee review – countercultural spirit captured

These unpublished photographs of provincial pop gatherings celebrate nascent musical tribes and underground organisers

The Stonehenge free festival, organised by Wally Hope.
The Stonehenge free festival, organised by Wally Hope. Photograph: Jen Tait

“Oh, to capture just one drop of all the ecstasy that swept that afternoon,” keened David Bowie on Memory of a Free Festival from his second album. It’s a song that gives its name to Sam Knee’s evocative collection of unpublished photographs of the musical gatherings that flourished in the wake of the 1956-61 Beaulieu jazz festivals. Many were held in places – Richmond, Uxbridge, Sudbury – rarely celebrated as countercultural havens. In the early days, performers often appeared on bandstand-sized stages before modest crowds who look like contestants from University Challenge. Soon different tribes – among them hippies and Hells Angels – emerged. John Peel appears at the 1973 Reading festival next to a poster of a policeman: “Watch out! There’s a fuzz about.” Knee salutes underheralded anarchist organisers such as Bill “Ubi” Dwyer and Wally Hope. The real stars of his book, though, are the crowds – teenagers, dreamers, self-emancipators.

• Memory of a Free Festival by Sam Knee is published by Cicada (£16.95). To order a copy for £14.41 go to or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. Phone orders min p&p of £1.99


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