Stephen Moss 

How Dr Seuss could simplify boring, wordy documents

Bank of England staff read the children’s classics to learn how to get their message across. Who else would benefit from a little Seussification?

Kids’ classic … The Cat in the Hat
Kids’ classic … The Cat in the Hat Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo

Dame Nemat Shafik, former deputy governor of the Bank of England, surprised an audience at the Hay festival over the weekend when she said that Dr Seuss books such as The Cat in the Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas! are used to train bank staff in the art of clear writing, with the emphasis on “very simple language and very short words”. Previously, she said, the linguistic complexity of bank reports on subjects such as quantitative easing made them accessible to only a fifth of all readers; Seussification is designed to change all that.

It now seems inevitable that other organisations will follow suit:

Statement from British Airways

The plane is not leaving

We’re sorry to say.

And check-in is heaving;

It will be all day!

Your plane to Barbados

Is stuck in Mumbai.

Your bag’s in Honduras.

The crew’s in Dubai.

“We’re sorry! We’re sorry!”

What else can we say?

There’s no need to worry,

It’s just a four-day delay.

The reason was clear,

A technical crash.

There’s nothing to fear,

Not a question of cash.

Ignore those who whine

“Cutbacks caused the disaster”.

Our IT is fine

Based in west Maharashtra.

We’ll soon get you flying

There’s no reason to fret.

Oh please stop your crying.

You could try EasyJet!

The Conservative manifesto

“Brexit means Brexit!”,

On that we agree.

And if Brexit wrecks it,

That’s demo-cra-cee.

The people have spoken,

Their message was plain.

England has woken,

And welcomes the pain.

We don’t want the Spanish,

No reason to fret,

We hope they will vanish,

Giving Brits jobs at Pret.

We don’t want the Poles

(Though it’s not person-al)

And if that leaves holes,

Brits will fill those as well.

The EU is history,

On that we agree.

The future’s a mystery.

But at least we are free.

Apple’s terms and conditions

An app’s an app,

Don’t zap the app.

Respect the app,

And you’ll be ’appy.

M&S annual report

We remain on track

There’s no going back!

And though profits are falling,

It’s far from appalling.

Food sales are steady,

Especially oven-ready,

And curries are hot,

We’re selling a lot.

The problem’s not food,

Where profits are good.

It’s clothing that’s hard.

Sales are bad,

And interest just flickers

In M&S knickers.

But we have a plan,

(Agreed to a man)

And we think it’ll boost ’em –

“Less M&S, more S&M!”


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