At first, I was unsure about reading this book as I have read little fiction based on mermaids. I expected the story to be very immature because of this, but I was shocked when I read it. In a positive way!
I must applaud the author for creating a fantastically unique world which is described in great detail. Despite the fantasy and myths around the issues, the world created becomes alive and realistic.
However, during the first few chapters, you do become very overwhelmed with the language used. Most of the names for places, people, events and objects are in an unknown language which is close to Latin.
Throughout the novel the language is used so often that it almost seems as if it is not written in English. There is a glossary at the back but throughout, and especially at the beginning, I struggled to understand the story as I was bombarded with these unknown words.
I really liked the plot as it was very engaging and never dipped. The action begins from the start and never stops until the end. After every chapter, it left me thinking; "Another plot twist?" This kept me interested. The structure of the novel and how it keeps feeding you information bit by bit keeps you hooked and reading until 2am in the morning!
I love the idea of the mermaids and mermaid war which is really unique. Elements in this book were really clever such as the use of the different oceans as villages and the way the author incorporated marine life in a clever and subtle way.
Overall, a fantastic start to what should be an epic series and I can't wait to read the next books! If you are not sure about fantasy books, read this anyway as it will get you into it!
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