Matilda Wormwood 

The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater – review

Matilda Wormwood: 'What makes this book different is how unique the characters are, compared to the collection of stereotypes we now see often in YA books'

Despite the fact this book's blurb and beginning implies that it's a romance, it isn't. The story revolves around the legend of Glendower and the relationship between the group of friends.

Never before has sixteen-year-old Blue actually seen the dead. To be able to do that you need to posses the second sight, which Blue doesn't have. Much to Blue's disappointment, as the entire rest of her family has it.

But then Blue meets a spirit called Gansey and from that point, Blue finds herself twisted in a mystery; a mystery that involves Blue befriending Gansey and his three other close friends to find the truth about a puzzling Welsh myth of the 'sleeping' king: Glendower.

Compared to the rest of the books in the YA genre, I found the third person in this book pleasantly refreshing. It allowed the reader glimpses into parts of each of the main characters enough so you are able to understand the thoughts of some characters, but not feel that it is forced, and should be written in first person.

Though the plot is still interesting, this is not an action-packed thrilling mystery, but a novel that I think is more heavily weighted towards characters than plot. I think what makes this book different is how unique the characters are, compared to the collection of stereotypes we now see often in YA books. In fact, I think there is a really strong growth in the friendship with Blue, and 'The Raven Boys' (Gansey, Adam, Ronan and Noah) through the novel.

The writing prose is not too flowery, I enjoyed it. I think Maggie Stiefvater can write about a simple thing and make it special, without sounding like she has written the novel with a thesaurus religiously clutched at her side. I admit, I was uncertain about beginning this novel. I had read Maggie Stiefvater's "Shiver" trilogy before, on the recommendation from a friend, and i found that it was too slow paced and Twilight-like for me.

Despite my doubts, I extremely enjoyed this novel. I think if you like interesting characters and mysteries, this is a book you would most likely like. But, if you live off thrilling and dystopic action novels, you may find this novel is too slow paced for you.

Though overall, I have already read The Dream Thieves and I am planning to read the sequel Blue Lilly, Lilly Blue which is due to be available to buy in October this year. Maggie Stiefvater's series The Raven Boys is a worthy read that I most definitely enjoyed an will most likely come back to, to enjoy again.

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