What is the venue for the Morkan sisters Epiphany party on January 6th 1904 in The Dead?
13 Liffey Street
15 Usher's Island
Mrs Mooney's boarding house
Corless's bar
Who directed the film version of the Dubliners story The Dead?
John Huston
Terrence Malick
Terence Davies
The Farrelly Brothers
Where in Dublin did Joyce first catch sight of his future wife Nora Barnacle, then working as a chambermaid?
O'Connell Bridge
Ha’penny Bridge
Nassau Street
The Forty Foot
According to the first sentence of Finnegans Wake, where does: “Riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay” bring us back to?
Laurens County
Hoodie Head
Howth Castle and Environs
Toper's Thorp
Which of these is a genuine quote from Joyce about the city of his birth?
"Home sweet home."
“The place is a dreadful, rotten sink, but it is my dreadful, rotten sink.”
“Home is a failed idea, and nowhere is this more apparent than by the Liffey.”
“If I can get to the heart of Dublin I can get to the heart of all the cities of the world.”
Ulysses and TS Eliot’s The Waste Land were both published in the same year. Which one?
In which story in Dubliners does Lenehan eat "a plate of grocer's hot peas, seasoned with pepper and vinegar, and ginger beer"?
The Sisters
Two Gallants
A Little Cloud
The Boarding House
Which character in Dubliners fails to get the boat to Buenos Aires?
Gabriel Conroy
Jimmy Doyle
What is the address of Leopold and Molly Bloom's house in Ulysses?
7 Eccles Street
5 Upper Liffey Street
35 North Great George's Street
2 Earl Street North
In which episode of Ulysses does Leopold Bloom go into the Ormond Hotel for lunch and stay on to hear Ben Dollard sing betrayal ballad The Croppy Boy?
Lotus Eaters
The Sirens
1:B, 2:A, 3:C, 4:C, 5:D, 6:B, 7:B, 8:D, 9:A, 10:C
1 and above.
Oh dear, time to go back to the books...
5 and above.
If you ever visit Dublin, make sure to bring the collected works to illuminate your way
10 and above.
Rejoyce! Your odyssey has been successful