
Urban Outlaws by Peter Jay Black – review

Poppy 'If you like thrilling stories and action you should read Urban Outlaws. I really enjoyed it all the way through and had no trouble finishing it!'

My favourite character in the book is Charlie, because she can make all sorts of cool gadgets. She even makes a mini helicopter, and attaches a camera to it to track down criminals. I like that Charlie is a girl and enjoys designing gadgets, I would like to do this to!

Urban Outlaws is all about a group of five children all aged in between 8 and 15 years old. You read about all of their cool adventures to take things away from criminals and give them to people in need.

My favourite part of the book is when Obi, the computer expert, finds information on the web about a virus which is being used to hack into people's personal accounts and steal from them. Jack, the leader of the group, instructs Obi to invent a virus to stop criminals from being able to get into people's personal information.

During the book, criminals sometimes catch the group but they always find a way to escape!

If you like thrilling stories and action you should read Urban Outlaws. I really enjoyed it all the way through and had no trouble finishing it! I rate this book 10 out of 10!

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