Charlotte Seager 

Reader reviews roundup

We've got a roundup of some of the best LGBT-themed reviews on the site this week – but there's also a case for the Fleatectives to solve, too!

This week we kick off our roundup with two superb reviews from our LGBT feature of the thought-provoking teen novel Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan. This novel centres around two boys who are attempting to break the record for the world's longest kiss! First to share their thoughts was CaraErica, with their eye-opening review:

"Levithan's style of writing is innovative … Its philosophical and ethical impact is life changing – a classic in the making to be sure! … This is a compelling story, which is a reading must in the wake of this year's International Day against Homophobia. So, I challenge you: read this emotional rollercoaster. If it makes you step outside your comfort zone, don't just take that step, leap! Read and remember, because we're all born equal …"

Second to comment was Noggin, with their brilliant and balanced assesment:

"What I really loved about the narrative was the time-frame. Whereas some books seem to cover decades, this book only covers just about 4 days. This really makes you understand how one person's life can change in a second, but for others things just carry on as usual … The dialogue reads really well, it doesn't go too fast and you always know who's saying what. The book is exactly the right length too, you don't feel cheated when you finish, but neither do you feel that you've wasted a few days of your life. And so, although it wasn't a book I'd normally pick up and read, I loved it. I would recommend this book to any of my friends, especially the gay ones."

Continuing the theme of love and equality, we move on to two fantastic reviews of Hate by Alan Gibbons. In this book, Eve tries to come to terms with her sister's murder, the victim of a hate crime. Pinkbookworm was the first to praise the novel, which they described as 'beautiful'.

"Hate is passionate, tragic and powerful. It's a remarkably narrated account of a sensitive and controversial topic that absolutely has to be read by every teenager who has faced discrimination or bullying for the life choices they make. Very few authors would have the expertise to so beautifully capture such difficult emotions without making the novel an explicit one … In a world full of political-correctness and hate, it's hard to speak up about issues such as these. Alan Gibbons has effectively communicated this phenomenally important message through the tale he tells using Eve, Anthony and Rosie."

Then 2Kool4Skool penned an outstanding review of the book, which they defined as 'incredible'!

"You know when you have a good book, and when you have an incredible book. A good book will make you like the characters, and intrigue you so much you have to carry on reading. A great book will wrench your heart out and force you to carry on reading, because you can't put the book down. This book was an incredible book."

With similar themes of loss and friendship, Dewdrop wrote a terrific review of The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. In this, another teen coming-of-age tale, Charlie begins high school as a wallflower but slowly comes out of his shell when he meets Sam and Patrick.

"As Charlie hit highs and lows Sam and Patrick were, mainly, there for him which was comforting and although they weren't the best role models they felt heart-warmingly real … This book, although a typical high school story of love and loss, made the reader feel more sympathic for the characters and put you into Charlie's position … this book is certainly worthwhile if you've got some time on your hands, but if you're addicted to attention to detail you may as well drop this book and leave now."

Finally, we end this roundup with something for our younger readers, as Velociraptor wrote a fantastic review of The Case of the Missing Glow-worms (Fleatectives) by Jonny Zucker! In this book, Buzz and Itch are fleas with a detective agency, who solve crimes on the back of a white rabbit called Lambert!

"The fleatectives have to be really brave to search for the crooks here, and nearly get eaten! I liked this book because it is funny and the difference between the two fleatective characters is interesting. I'd like to read the other books in the series."

Thank you for all sending in such amazing reviews. If yours was picked this week, be sure to email the children's books team ( – and we will pick you out a bookish treat as a post-exam reward!

Happy reading!

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