Sophie – Millennium RIOT Readers 

Airhead by Meg Cabot – review

Sophie – Millennium RIOT Readers: 'I have read books by Meg Cabot in the past and I think she is a great writer as I always get drawn straight into any story she writes'

Em is dragged along by her sister to an autograph signing of her sister's favourite pop star Nikki Howard. A huge accident changes Em's life forever as she is forced to inhabit Nikki's body and become a star, living her celebrity life while still just being her shy, retiring self inside.
This book is a teen fantasy which I really liked. I loved Christopher because you could really see a change in him when he thought Em had died, and he kept how he felt about her all locked up inside. A memorable moment for me in the book was when Brandon and Lulu wheeled Em/Nikki out of the hospital dressed up as surgeons.

I have read books by Meg Cabot in the past and I think she is a great writer as I always get drawn straight into any story she writes. The only thing I didn't like about the book was the way people treat Em because she was a star, being nice to her all the time just to get close to her.

I would recommend this book to any teenage girl who loves reading and I give it 4/5 stars.

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