Rebecca Gale 

Top science books for March

From laughter and sleep to Babbage and Apple

woman alseep
Don't just lie there, make the most out of your slumber. Photograph: Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy/Getty Images Photograph: Ghislain & Marie David de Lossy/Getty Images


Scott Weems

Neuroscientist reveals the science behind humour and laughter and their importance in daily life.

Night School: Wake up to the Power of Sleep

Richard Wiseman

An insight into the sleeping brain and how to get the most out of your slumber.

Beasts: What Animals Can Teach Us about the Origins of Good and Evil

Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

What humans have learnt about our emotions through observing animals, from orcas to chimpanzees.

The Improbable Primate: How Water Shaped Human Evolution

Clive Finlayson

The impact that ecological factors, particularly water, have had on human evolution.

30-Second Brain: The 50 Most Mind-blowing Ideas In Neuroscience, Each Explained in a Half a Minute

Anil Seth (Ed.)

Get to grips with what is happening inside your brain in under 300 words.

It Began With Babbage: The Genesis of Computer Science

Subrata Dasgupta

A history of computer science, from Charles Babbage's concept of programmable computing in 1819 to today.

Drugged: The Science and Culture Behind Psychotropic Drugs

Richard J Miller

Combines science and history to show that antidepressants stem from rocket fuel and much more.

Haunted Empire: Apple After Steve Jobs

Yukari Iwatani Kane

A look at the struggles and triumphs of Apple in the two years since Steve Jobs's death.

The Lazarus Effect: The Science Rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and Death

Dr Sam Parnia

Argues that death from heart attack may not be a single moment but a process – the "grey zone".

Beyond Flying: Rethinking Air Travel in a Globally Connected World

Chris Watson

14 authors share stories of cutting air travel to reduce their carbon footprints.

Rebecca Gale


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