
The One Safe Place by Tania Unsworth – review

JDBookGroup: 'The book is a real page turner, some of us read it in four days. We couldn't put it down!'

Tania Unsworth has written an amazing book all about friendship and giving called The One Safe Place. It's set in a world which is not quite like ours, after global warming has happened.

In the beginning Devin lives on a farm nowhere near the city, miles away from anybody. He has never actually met anyone apart from his grandfather. His mum and dad are nowhere to be seen (probably dead). He doesn't go to school and his grandfather tutors him. The book opens with him digging a grave for his grandfather…

Devin realises he can't cope at the farm on his own, so he leaves for the city. He finds a new friend in the city, a girl called Kit. The city is a horrible and menacing place, it's an abomination. People are mean and don't help, the adults see the children on the streets but ignore them. They only care about themselves. They hear about this home Gabriel H Penhouse where children can be safe, but they don't believe it even exists. Then they get there and wish it didn't exist!

Why should you read this book? It's sad, it's emotional and melancholic. The story started to bring up more emotions and made us relate to Devin. We wanted to find out what was going to happen to him. We felt so sorry for him. The book is a real page turner, some of us read it in four days. We couldn't put it down!

This book could give you nightmares if you're sensitive. Someone who is really sensitive and finishes the book could end up with teardrops all over the paper. We would recommend this book to children the ages of 10 and up. It depends on your level of maturity.

We would give the book eight or nine out of 10. Some of us predicted what would happen in the middle, but there's a big shocking, revolting and nauseating turn of events just before the end.

We asked Tania Unsworth some questions on Twitter @jdbookgroup and she gave us descriptive answers. We asked why are you writer? She answered: "It's the only thing I'm good at! I write in a room at the top of the house with my dog Plum. My favourite authors are CS Lewis, Joan Aiken, Henry Treece, Greek mythology, fairy stories."

Keep calm and read!

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