Charlotte Seager 

Reviews roundup: your top reads this month

Teenage drama, romance and a battle to become Head Girl: this month's most popular read on the children's books site is...

Teenage drama, romance and a battle to become Head Girl … this month's most popular read on the children's books site is ... the spectacular teen read Stella by Helen Eve, described by our site members as 'exciting', 'page-turning' and 'profound'.
Set in an English boarding school, this book uses a split narrative to explore the differing perspectives of Stella – star of Temperley High - and Caitlin, who moves to England from New York following her parents' divorce. When Caitlin arrives at school as the new girl, Stella feels her aspiration to become Head Girl is in jeopardy. Ellathebookworm succintly summed up the plot: 'Stella is about - you guessed it – Stella.'
Characterisation was crucial to the plot of Stella, and this was something our site members particularly enjoyed about the novel. First to comment was Ellathebookworm, who explained, 'Helen Eve paints a picture of each character changing and progressing so vividly that you feel as though you are growing alongside them.' However, this very same aspect of the novel was criticised by Laura, thespecialone, who felt it compromised the realism of the characters: 'The story has good morals … but near the end I think the author changes the characters a bit too much to make that point clear'.
Our readers also strongly praised the complexity of the story: 'I expected a typical teenage story, but boy I was wrong. The blurb does not do this book justice' – enthused ellathebookworm. Likewise, Laura, thespecialone observed, 'Helen Eve has created a very good plot with lots of twists and turns that are unpredictable.' Awesome-Charlie then waded into the debate to claim: 'I think it really sums up the modern world today and how schools actually are, instead of how they're portrayed to be. I think this book had some very interesting, and exciting parts and I can't say anything bad about it!'
Site members did generally recommend the book to teen readers, with Laura, the specialone commenting: 'I would recommend this book to any girl above 11 who wants to read a girly chick-flick.' Awesome-Charlie agreed: 'I absolutely will recommend it to all of my friends and any girl over the age of 11'. Ellathebookworm summarised the overall impact of the book:

'The story is so much darker, so much more emotional than it gives away. Please read it. I'm going to use my Stella-esque voice here: Don't question me. Go and read it. Get a copy, turn that page and lose yourself. Do it now. Now. Please?'

Need some more tips for good reads this month? Other popular reads included...
• The Rose series by Holly Webb
• the perennial Demon Dentist by David Walliams
• More Than This by Patrick Ness
• The Frenemies series by Alexa Young

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