Quickfire interview: Sally Green

Sally Green's debut novel book Half Bad is tipped by some to be the 'next' Twilight – get to know the author a bit better here

Sally Green
Author Sally Green's book Half Bad is tipped to do for witches what Twilight did for vampires... Photograph: Mark Allan Photograph: Mark Allan/PR

Who was your childhood hero?
I loved watching cowboy and Indian movies on our little black and white TV. The Indians (Native Americans) were always my heroes.

What was your favourite book when you were younger?

There were a few that I particularly enjoyed at different stages: Stig of the Dump, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Swallows and Amazons and then I read the whole Hornblower series.

Did you read a lot as a child and do you still read children's books now?

I read, but not a vast amount I don't think. I loved watching TV and films – and still love a well made, well written movie. I read with my son, and love some of his books, such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Percy Jackson and Mr Gum .
As an author of a YA book I do also read YA books to make sure I know what good stuff is out there. My favourite authors in this genre are Patrick Ness, Aidan Chambers and Meg Rosoff, oh and Gavin Extence. What was the last book you had recommended to you and what book would you recommend to us?
I'm still in contact with a number of friends from creative writing courses and we are constantly recommending books to each other. But the last book I read that was a recommendation was made to me by my editor at Puffin. The book was Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan – I loved it.
I'd recommend that to your readers too.

What advice would you give to your 13-year-old self?
Stop worrying! What would you be if you hadn't been a writer?
Ha! I've had a number of jobs before being a writer. When I was at school and a student I had part-time jobs including paper-round, waitress, barmaid, cleaner (the worst job), then I did secretarial work and later qualified as an accountant. None of them have been anywhere near as much fun or satisfying as being a writer. If you could travel in time, where would you go first?
First stop the future – say two hundred years from now. Will there be world peace yet, and ice-caps still?

Sounds like your cup of tea? Check out the trailer and then read an extract here! We have five copies of Half Bad to give away to members, so email childrens.books@theguardian.com with Half Bad as your subject line by midnight on Monday 17 March 2014 to get your hands on one.


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