
Dandelion Clocks by Rebecca Westcott – review

HGirl1000: 'This book, to quote Jacqueline Wilson, "should be sold with a large box of tissues!"'

Olivia has one older brother: his name is Isaac and he has Asperger's Syndrome. Sometimes Olivia feels like she is the older sibling. She also has her Dad, and her Mum. Olivia loves her Mum, even if she can be quite strict at times!

Liv and Dad love photography, Isaac loves sticking to the rules, Mum loves gardening. Nothing can change these loves, but many things can still be changed in life.

Recently Mum has been teaching Liv important life lessons, but there's one thing she isn't telling her, something Liv needs to know.

I recommend Dandelion Clocks to people who like sad books about family problems. This book, to quote Jacqueline Wilson, "should be sold with a large box of tissues!"

I would give this gripping book five stars.

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