
A Room Full Of Chocolate by Jane Elson – review

HGirl1000: 'I was so excited to know what happened that I couldn't put it down'

A Room Full Of Chocolate is about a girl called Grace who moves to her granddads' house when her Mum has to go to hospital. Her Mum is the only person she has. But when her mum is no longer there, Grace only has her granddad. But her granddad doesn't see life the same way that Grace does and she's all alone.

Grace hates her granddad and starts missing her Mum so much it hurts. But when she meets Megan and her pig Claude she isn't alone any more. When she's with Megan she feels like she can do anything.

I recommend this book to people who like sad books about family problems. When I read this book I felt I was with Grace, because it brought me in so much. I was so excited to know what happened that I couldn't put it down.

I would give this book 4.5 stars.

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