This is the story of Tracy Beaker. Tracy is ten years old and lives in a children's home, which all the children call "the dumping ground".
Tracy is always in trouble – sometimes it is her fault, but sometimes it is just because things go wrong for her! Justine, Tracy's worst enemy in the children's home, has stolen her best friend, Louise, and now Tracy spends a lot of her time arguing with Justine. Poor Tracy! She also hates Peter. They have the same birthday, so she always has to share her birthday cake with him, which makes her feel really fed up on the one day she should feel really happy!
Tracy likes to think that her real mum is very rich and famous. She misses her and every day she hopes her mum will come and collect her from the children's home. In the meantime, Tracy's waiting for a foster family. She has had two already, but neither of them worked out. There is a lady called Cam who comes to see Tracy and they go to the park or to Cam's house, but Tracy doesn't know whether Cam will ever foster her...
"The story of Tracy Beaker" is a great book. I really enjoyed it because it is funny and sad at the same time. You also find out what it is like living in a children's home and how difficult it must be for children without a family.
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