
Cold Hands, Warm Heart by Jill Wolfson – review

Ali'Even though the book was quite funny, the realisation that the things in this book actually do happen to these young people was upsetting, but eye-opening.'

Cold Hands, Warm Heart is a touching, almost morose, novel about the arrivals and departures of the children's transplant ward in a busy hospital. This ward is responsible for many children that are waiting for the death of someone else. 'They die and you live' is a well known philosophy in the transplant ward, and most of the children and teenagers live on that philosophy. As you begin to read the book, you become familiar with a medley of waiting children and teenagers in the transplant ward and you grow to love them and wish the best for them. Well, I did anyway!
One reason why I loved this book was because all of the characters were so down to earth and you really got to know them well. And even though the book was quite funny, the realisation that the things in this book actually do happen to these young people was upsetting, but eye-opening. Another reason why I like this book so much is that there was a bit of romance thrown in too. Even though the setting was so unlikely for a romantic novel, it was very sweet and innocent how the author built it up for Milo and Dani (the two lovers). Even though the book wasn't very saucy, I didn't think that it needed to be to just get your heart pumping that little bit faster. I was really surprised when I actually read the book, because the blurb gave me totally different vibes! The blurb talked about two girls and what had happened in there lives a bit. It then goes on to talk about how they don't know each other, and don't go to the same school, and they don't even have any friends in common. And it was the last line that really got me. It was talking about how their lives were about to collide. I'm not going to tell you what happens in the book, because you have to read it yourself to find out, but all that I will tell you, is that the statement is true. Well, for one of the girls at least. So, a bit about the plot now. Dani was born with her heart on the wrong side of her body. Milo refused to stop drinking alcohol. And Wendy... is just Wendy. However, they all end up in the transplant ward staring death in the face. Dani has spent nearly her whole life in hospital and is sick of the green hospital jelly. But, just a she's at death's door again, she gets some good news. A heart is on the way. And also a kidney and a liver. Dani's, Milo's and Wendy's lives are about to change for the better, but what about the girl's life who was given up to re-establish theirs? What about the family who have lost a piece of their jigsaw? Each person who has received a part of her is allowed to send letters to the family to thank them and send their best wishes to them and, of course, to Amanda, the girl that gave the fireman breath, the old lady sight, the young girl a huge slab of chocolate and Dani something pumping in her chest. Of course, Dani is grateful, but what does she write in her letter? She's not sure whether what she puts will be taken the wrong way, but she's not even sure if they are going to read them. But Dani does eventually write something in her letters, and this does escalate. This book should definitely be given a go. Even if the idea of lives colliding doesn't grab you, then just remember, the blurb is not what it seems.

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