The Knights of Neustria is the third book in the Secret Breakers trilogy. Brodie, Hunter, Tusia and the newcomer, Sheldon, are trying to break the fully-coded MS408, an ancient manuscript found in an Italian castle by Wilfred Voynich in 1912. It has remained unbroken for centuries and the young truth-seekers leave the safety of the Listening Post to go and look for clues, first in Cambridge, then in London, to help them decode the old script. They are being watched by Level Five and run into some of their agents in Cambridge. They will need all their deciphering skills for this will be a tough nut to crack.
When I looked at the book cover, I was eager but the first couple of chapters were soooo boring (because I hadn't read the first two) it made me yawn and put it down without a moment's hesitation. I knew I had to read it so I overcame my prejudices and picked it up again. As carried on reading, I was soon drawn to it like a magnet to iron. it is full to bursting with suspense and false trails which makes it seem that all the characters find out is true. It forces you to carry on reading no matter what. When the author describes the places they passed in London, like Big Ben and the house where Sir Francis Bacon is said to have died, I nodded and wanted to go there and find out myself. I really loved the book and would recommend readers to persevere because every page! I rate it at 9/10.
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