I loved Sky Hawk, which I read when I was seven, so much that I started to try to find out more about you. I found out that you were studying creative writing at Bath Spa University. How much difference did the course make to your writing skills and what is the most important thing you learned from it?
The creative writing course made a huge difference to my writing. Not only did it allow me the time to write, but it also brought me in contact with other writers. We critiqued each other's work, which really helped to find out how to improve our own writing. I think the most important thing that I learned was that writing is re-writing. Before the course, I didn't realise just how many changes can or need to be made in the writing process. I never worry now about how to begin a story, because I find that the beginning will change. It's often only by writing to the end of a story that I get a clear idea of just how I want a story to start.
Which of the three animals in your stories do you care most about?
I care equally about the three animals in my stories; the osprey, the dolphin and the bear. Whether they are animals of the land, sea or air, their habitats are inextricably linked. Each of the three animals I have chosen to write about is as the top of its food chain. They are all big, impressive animals, and fill us with a sense of awe. They are the iconic "get-the-T-shirt, seen-the video" animals. Yet, their survival depends upon the protection of the many smaller animals and plants living within fragile habitats. So, I hope my stories show that in order to care for one of the iconic creatures, we have to care for the whole environment in which they live.
When you are writing do you think, "I hope that this story will help to change people's minds about wildlife"?
I don't set out to write a story with a message. I think that might become too formulaic and patronising. I set out to write a story that I love, a story I feel passionate about. Because of my fascination with animals and also the inspiration through my work as a vet, my stories reflect my own interests. However, once the book is finished, I hope it does raise awareness of threats facing the natural world, and I hope that the story inspires and empowers the reader to know that they can make a difference.
How do you set about starting your research for your stories?
It grows, like a large net spreading outwards. First, I tend to go online and read articles about some of the issues surrounding the subject. I read books about the subject and then I try to contact people for first hand experience, and then I try to experience the place or setting and the animals. For White Dolphin, I went on a dinghy sailing course and sailed (and capsized) in rough Cornish seas in force six gales. I also ate lots of Cornish cream teas to complete the whole Cornish experience.
In all three of your books at least one of the characters who starts off being bad changes for the better by the end of the book. Do you plan for this to happen?
I don't actively plan for characters to change for the better throughout the book, though I think this is very true of real life. I think we have all probably thought or said or done unkind things in life and that we all have the capacity for change. Very often, it is those people who have changed who become fighters for a cause. For example, Ric O'Barry, one time dolphin trainer, realised the suffering dolphins endure in captivity and now actively campaigns against the capture of wild dolphins for the entertainment trade.
Each of your books has a great sadness in it. How do you think that this helps the story?
I'm not sure. Maybe it helps the reader to engage with the characters. In Sky Hawk, I think it makes the promise Callum gives to a friend become even more important to fulfil.
Do you think that governments should do more to protect wildlife?
It's a simple answer. Unfortunately, governments around the world are often influenced by powerful individuals and companies seeking short term financial gain, and are hampered by inertia and poor decision making. The natural world is under threat as it never has been before. Our oceans need protection. Pesticides are destroying the fabric of invertebrate life vital for pollination, soil health and crop production. The illegal trade in wild animals and plants is endangering many species with extinction. The list is huge. Yet, many voices can and do make a difference. Hugh's Fish Fight has brought the importance of Marine Protected Areas into the public eye. In China, Chinese people are campaigning against the practice of bear bile farming. If enough people make a noise, change can happen.
Do you only do your writing in your tree house?
In the winter it is too cold!!!! But in the spring and summer I like to write up there. It has no phone or internet distractions…perfect for writers!
Do you write for a set amount of time each day?
Once my children have left for school, I sit down to write, but it takes me about an hour to sink into the story. I write until about 2pm, and then walk my dog and have lunch. After lunch I can never quite get back into the zone of writing and tend to answer emails and do admin things until I pick my children up from school. It's a very short, but concentrated time of writing and I hate my writing day being disrupted.
I heard on the radio someone talking about all the thousands of species that have become extinct. He said that extinction is what happens naturally over thousands of years. How much do you think we should fight against that happening?
It is thought that new species are evolving and becoming extinct every day. These are probably small invertebrate species, which have never even been "discovered". It is part of evolution. However, we are on the cusp of a period of mass extinction. Unlike past mass extinction events, this is one for which are solely responsible. Through loss of habitat, hunting and fishing, climate change brought about by global warming and the trade in wild animal products, our exploitation of the natural world is unsustainable. So we should be fighting against the loss of species, not only because I think we should respect other life forms on this planet, but also because our own survival depends upon protecting our environment. Our oceans not only supply us with a ready source of protein, but phytoplankton in the seas provides us with 80% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. Preserving the biodiversity of plants and animals gives us the food and medicines we need. Maybe our treatment of the natural world reflects our humanity. As Ghandi once said, "You can judge a nation by the way it treats its animals".
Are your characters based on people that you know? I was thinking particularly about people like Miss Penluna…
Yes, many characters are often based on a mixture of people. Miss Penluna was indeed based upon a real person. On my very first visit as a vet in Cornwall, I was called to see a cow with a bad foot. While on the farm, I saw some calves covered with crusty infected warts. I offered to look at them, but the farmer said that Nancy would put a charm on them to cure them. Nancy turned out to be a Cornish witch who offered charms, spells and herbal treatment to people and animals. People often went to her for advice and good luck.
Have you got any ideas about what you will write when Moon Bear is published? I would love to read a story about polar bears.
I am writing another book at the moment, but I always feel it jinxes the story if I say too much about it. Funny you should say you would like to read a polar bear story, because I do have an idea of one up my sleeve.
Who were your favourite writers when you were growing up?
I was a bit of a late reader and loved illustrations to help tell the story. I read all the Tintin adventures and also the Famous Five stories. I read a lot of factual books about animals and made up stories in my head about the animals. I wish there had been more audiobooks when I was younger because I think they are great ways to share stories. Because I found reading hard, I became frustrated and wanted to be doing something else instead. If I'd been able to listen to audiobooks, I think I would have discovered more books and stories.
There is nothing on your blog yet for 2013. Have you just been too busy to write it?
Oops! Yes. You have reminded me. I must write my blog. I have indeed been very busy and find writing time precious and my blog gets left until last. However, there are lots of exciting happenings that I want to share with readers, so I'm glad you have reminded me…I'd better get started! ;0)