The Princess and the Pig is the hilarious tale of a princess baby that swaps places with a piglet. Priscilla the Princess ends up with a poor farmer and his wife while the King and Queen are lumbered with Pigmella the Pig. Many years later the farmer and his wife realise what must have really happened and regretfully decide to tell the King and Queen but they refuse to believe this and still insist a bad fairy has turned their beautiful daughter into a pig. They choose to stick with Pigmella who has grown up to be 'not so clever, not so beautiful and avoided by everyone she meets'.
This entertaining story is even more better with the lovely, vibrant illustrations. I especially liked the montage of scenes on some of the pages, giving a scrapbook/photo album feel to the story. Amatullah did like this story and enjoyed seeing what the 'naughty' pig got up to next.
Fairytales could give young children the impression that everyone lives happily ever after but not this book. The story refers to 'the sort of things that happens in books' and the end is something that's only ever going to happen in books, unless you know of a Prince that married a pig in real life? No? Neither do I so thank goodness for that!
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