Christine, Ava (3 months), Leon (18 months), Isabel (2) and Theo (3) 

Small and Tall Tales of Extinct Animals by Hélène Rajcak and Damien Laverdunt – review

Christine, Ava, Leon, Isabel and Theo: 'The 3 and 4-year-olds loved looking through the pages of the book'

This beautifully illustrated book with varying levels of narration, proved to be an unexpected hit with our young grandchildren.

The 3 and 4-year-olds loved looking through the pages of the book, picking out pictures of animals that seemed familiar to them. We constantly visit our local City Museum, which has various skeletons of fossilized bones such as the Irish Elk, backing up their understanding of this book.

I couldn't believe they kept wanting me to re-read parts of the book, as I felt it was most suitable for children of 6 years upwards, yet they loved hearing all the facts!! A book to keep for years.

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