Jennifer and Minnie, aged 1 

The Love Bugs by Simon Puttock and Russell Ayto – review

Jennifer and Minnie: 'Minnie spent the whole time working herself up into a frenzy pointing out every wee bug (there are lots of them!)'

This is rather a long book for a day-time read for the toddler, so I thought I would read it to her at bed time... This was a mistake as there is so much going on on each page; its bursting with images and colours, so she spent the whole time working herself up into a frenzy pointing out every wee bug (there are lots of them!)

It's Valentine's day and a love letter due for one bug gets read by an entirely different bug and a comedy flurry of love letters back and forth until the final reveal... Doesn't go as well as each bug expected.

The drawings reminded me so much of Charlie and Lola I was convinced this person drew them! They don't.

Highly recommended, we both enjoyed it very much.

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