Simon Rogers 

Facts are sacred: the power of data – out now on Kindle and iBooks

Our new e-book is out this week around the world and it talks about how data has shaped the planet

Public spending by government department graphic
Find out how we produce data journalism and graphics like the one above Photograph: Guardian

We have a new ebook out for Kindle and it's about how we work with data at the Guardian - and how that data is changing the world around us. It's available now in the US, Canada and around the world - having been published in the UK just before Christmas.

What's in it? It's a combination of original writing and the best data coverage from the Datablog and Datastore.

"Comment is free," wrote Guardian editor CP Scott in 1921, "but facts are sacred". Ninety years later, publishing those sacred facts has become a new type of journalism in itself: data journalism. And it's rapidly becoming part of the establishment. Facts Are Sacred, edited by Simon Rogers, shows how the Guardian Datastore and Datablog does it. It reveals how data has changed our world and what it tells us. It's a manifesto for a new way of seeing things. And it shows how not only is data journalism changing in itself, it's changing journalism too. And the world.

It will be available on as an enhanced iBook soon too, complete with videos and graphics.

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• Published as enhanced iBook soon

You don't have to have a Kindle or an iPad - here's how you can read it on your PC or Mac.

Contents include:

• The first Guardian data journalism
• UK spending broken down
• How to make money from data
• Crowdsourcing
• Data around the world
• Our top 100 numbers

More open data

Data journalism and data visualisations from the Guardian

World government data

Search the world's government data with our gateway

Development and aid data

Search the world's global development data with our gateway

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