Books to the ceiling,
Books to the sky,
My pile of books is a mile high.
How I love them! How I need them!
I'll have a long beard by the time I read them.
~ Arnold Lobel [1933-1987] author of many popular children's books.
Compiled by Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen, the Birdbooker Report is a weekly report listing the wide variety of nature, natural history, ecology, animal behaviour, science and history books that have been newly released or republished in North America and in the UK. The books listed here were received by Ian during the previous week, courtesy of various publishing houses.
New and Recent Titles:
- Connop, Scott. Birdsongs of the Northern Neotropics: Southern Mexico to Costa Rica. 2011. Turaco Nature. Audio CD with booklet. Price: £28.20 U.K./$20.00 U.S.
SUMMARY: The neotropics are known for their sheer numbers of species in relation to tropical forests globally, and it has more than its share of the gaudy and spectacular. This compilation highlights many of the birds that have made tropical birding so thrilling for me. I have always emphasized rare or difficult-to-find species: target birds that often required a knowledge of voice as an aid to their discovery. For this initial volume of neotropical birdsongs, I have added other parameters in determining the playlist. A number of the species on this CD represent favourite moments, favourite species or families, or noteworthy vocal comparisons. Or they are just stunning birds that epitomize birding in the Middle American Neotropics. Great curassow, resplendent quetzal, and long-tailed manakin fall into this category while also having very intriguing vocalizations. On the other hand, rufous-browed tyrannulet, black-capped pygmy-tyrant and ochre-breasted antpitta represent simple sounds that birders often walk right by without realizing the significance of the source.
The production coverage is southern Mexico to Costa Rica and include a few of the fascinating rarities of Oaxaca and Guerrero in complement to the lowland jungle birds that abound in the Mayan ruins of Belize and Tikal. Costa Rican species are prevalent on the CD as this country has exerted such a powerful influence on ecotourism for North American and overseas birders alike. Orange-breasted falcon, tawny-chested flycatcher, keel-billed motmot and wrenthrush represent some of the more obscure and poorly known birds that are included, whereas there are tinamous, quail-doves, owls, leaftossers, antpittas, wrens, and, of course, numerous flycatchers. From the wavering tremolo of the ultra-shy fulvous-bellied antpitta to the haunting crepuscular cry of the normally conspicuous but ultra-cool laughing falcon, Birdsongs of the Northern Neotropics features a wide spectrum of the birds that make the neotropics the most sought-after birding experience on the planet.
The CD's are shrink-wrapped in slim design cases.
IAN'S RECOMMENDATION: This CD covers 99 species. Both the English and scientific names are announced on the CD. The only problem I had with the CD is that the slim design case broke apart when I opened it! It's available in the USA from Buteo Books and from NHBS in the UK. - Fitter, Julian and Don Merton. A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand. 2011. Princeton University Press. Paperback: 288 pages. Price: $24.95 U.S. [Amazon UK; Amazon US].
SUMMARY: New Zealand is commonly described as "the land of birds." Now, there is an easy-to-use guide for all those interested in this country's remarkable bird population. A Field Guide to the Birds of New Zealand contains over 600 stunning photographs of the more than 350 bird species likely to be seen in this area of the world. Comprehensive and compact, the book includes full descriptions of all native species and regular visitors, distribution maps and measurements, key information on national parks, and useful information on ongoing conservation efforts in the country. Filled with handy tips for nature enthusiasts wanting to make the most of their trip, this is the only bird guide that anyone exploring this region will need. - 600+ color photographs feature more than 350 bird species with full descriptions
- Distribution maps and measurements
- Key information on national parks helps readers find the best spots for bird sightings
- Useful information on conservation efforts
- Guidelines on sensible behavior for encountering nature at its best IAN'S RECOMMENDATION: This title was published in the U.K. as Collins Traveller's Guide: Birds of New Zealand. It's probably the best photographic guide to the birds of New Zealand currently available.
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Ian "Birdbooker" Paulsen is an avid and well-known book collector, especially to the publishing world. Mr Paulsen collects newly-published books about science, nature, history, animals and birds, and he also collects children's books on these topics. Mr Paulsen writes brief synopses about these books on his website, The Birdbooker Report.