I was given this book to read as a proof copy (before it was published) by my bookshop. As soon as I read the first, what, three pages? I had fallen completely and utterly in love with the story. I was swept away by the abrupt opening, the intrigue as I tried to figure out what was going on. Slowly things began to piece together and I felt a bit like I was reading a Sherlock Holmes always trying to be one step ahead, one page on.
Full of tension and odd new discoveries it has a very psychological plot line, it makes you think. It really deals with the problems in our modern society and artfully dips in and out of fantasy and fiction at the same time. It would suit all – it's a thriller, romance, comedy, horror all rolled into one and yet somehow managing not to spread itself too thin.
Cassie suffers from horrible nightmares, nightmares that keep her up at night, nightmares that have her fighting against sleep because they are so vivid and awful that she feels almost like she is remembering them. Then she goes on a school trip to Germany, and the dream that had previously been re-occurring, started to change and she had different dreams every night, the next even more vivid than the last. They see a doctor, Leaza Ashworth, who specialises in past lives. But the treatment is more than it seems and becomes too much for Cassie and her fellow patients.
That's all I'm saying about the book, but if you're a lover of a good read then I definitely recommend Angels Fury. Just don't read it too close to bedtime if you've eaten cheese and are prone to the occasional nightmare.
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