Ros Asquith's Letters From An Alien Schoolboy has been shortlisted for this year's Roald Dahl funny prize. Discover Flowkee, the alien schoolboy's, world in these letters and pictures he sends home
I have to be a schoolboy called 'Nigel Hoover Coldplay Hercules Colander' and pretend to have a brain that can't price up the kids' menu at a fly-in flaaark branch, let alone begin to think about why time bends. Here's me with my sister Farteeta and my pet, Pluke. Photograph: Ros AsquithHere's what I normally look like. Maybe next Halloween I'll come round to your place for sweeties... Photograph: Ros AsquithBut on this freezing grumpy spaceblob called Earth, I have to wear tubes and flaps called 'clothes' and look like this. You Earthlings can't grow fur. A lot of other creatures on your planet can, but you look down on them as inferior. Photograph: Ros AsquithI'm looking forward to Improving you lousy no good duffers of Earthlings, so you can all be slaves on my home planet. Here's our lovely IMPROVER. Adult Earthlings think they will get bigger chest bumps and lose their blubber if they go inside. Photograph: Ros AsquithWe keep the IMPROVER in our garden 'shed' -a male Earthling nest, decorated with rusty tins and dust. Maybe there's one in your neighbourhood?Photograph: Ros AsquithThe milkman went into the IMPROVER like this . If you stand on your head, you can see how he came out. Or, if you're as lazy as most of your feeble kind, you can just look at the next picture.Photograph: Ros AsquithWell, the IMPROVER worked for him. (Others weren’t so lucky, coming out with heads the size of eyeballs and 78 limbs…. but I’m sure by the time YOU go in , we’ll have sorted out these little problems). And you'll get free Ice Cream and all the sweeties you can eat. IF you do as you are told. Photograph: Ros AsquithI have to capture Earth creatures, too. Hope you can help me catch a Gorgon and a Mermaid and a centaur. Your 'cows' and 'sheeps' are very sweet although I expected them to be the size of hamsters after looking at pictures in your foolish 'books'. Photograph: Ros AsquithAND I have to get some of these, I know they must be very popular pets, because all little Earthlings draw them. By the way, did you know bats are planning to take over Earth, helped by charming dolphins and industrious ants? You underestimate these creatures at your peril.Photograph: Ros AsquithUnfortunately, I've got to defeat Keith, King of Threggs, who wants to turn Earth into a spinach plantation. Here he is, in a very good mood. Here's what he says 'HOO HOO HAR! PREPARE TO MEET YOUR DOOM.WE DON'T DO IT NICELY, YOU KNOW. IT HURTS.Photograph: Ros AsquithBut you can’t always judge by appearances… Here are the dreaded WIFFLY BIFFLY. Pink and fluffy with sparkly wings. Tra la. But listen...Photograph: Ros AsquithSee what I mean? Will I defeat the Threggs and Wiffly Biffly to save all the lovely worms and cheerful flies and cardboard and mountains and bats and spinach? Or are you all doomed? If you’re the kind of lazy no good Earthling who leaves this book on the shelf, then you’ll never ever ever ever know…. Photograph: Ros Asquith