Michelle Pauli 

Patrick Ness: doing what he’s told

We asked you what you wanted Patrick Ness to do on the site and you told us. Now we need your questions for him

Patrick Ness
Patrick Ness: awaiting your questions! Photograph: PR

A week or so ago, to celebrate Patrick Ness being shortlisted for the Arthur C Clarke award for Monsters of Men, the third book in his Chaos Walking trilogy, we asked you how you wanted him to contribute to the site: a podcast, a top 10 or an email Q+A.

Here's the poll with the results - as you can see, there's barely a cat's whisker between "Record a podcast with a reading and answering your questions" at 41.5% and "Write about his top 10 favourite books", at 43.1%.

So, amiable and obliging fellow that he is, Patrick has agreed to do both. Brilliant!

Look out for his "Top 10 'Adult' Books You Should Read Before You Become An Adult" on the site in a couple of weeks - and he'll be recording the podcast at the end of April, reading from his new book, A Monster Calls, and answering YOUR questions. So ... now it's time to email in your questions (to childrens.books@guardian.co.uk). You can ask him anything – it might be about Chaos Walking or being a writer or his new book or something completely random – and we'll pick out our favourites. You can find out more about Patrick and his books on his website.

As it's a podcast, we'd also love to have your voices in it. You just need to record yourself on Audioboo saying your username, your age, and your question (there are instructions at the end of this article). And if you'd like to record a message saying why you like Patrick's books, that's great too! You have to be 13 or over to use Audioboo; if you're 12 or younger, just send your questions by email. If you need help, email us at childrens.books@guardian.co.uk.

All questions need to be submitted by 25 April. If you've sent in your question by Audioboo, don't worry if it doesn't appear straight away - it'll be there soon!

Finally, we've got some advance copies of Patrick's new book to give away to members so that you can quiz him about it. If you're already a member, find out more in this week's newsletter on Friday. If you're not a member, here's how to join.

Audioboo instructions

1. Go to the Audioboo box below.

2. Click on the green Start recording/upload file button. You'll be asked to sign up for an Audioboo account. If you already have one, just log in. You have to be 13 or over to use Audioboo. Always check with your parent or guardian before signing up to anything online.

3. To record a message, click on Got your mic ready? Alternatively, you can send us an audio file by clicking on Rather upload a file? and then using Select a file to locate and upload it.

4. Speak clearly so we can hear your name, age and question.

5. Once you've recorded or uploaded your question, give it a title (eg Patrick Ness question).

6. Done!

Listen to the questions and messages already recorded, below.


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