janeaustin: Woman meets man called Darcy who seems horrible. He turns out to be nice really. They get together.
Yes, with a slightly depressing inevitability, Tweetfic has arrived, boiling great works of fiction down to 140 characters. Pride and Prejudice has had the Twitter treatment and, according to Tim Collins, author of The Little Book of Twitter (how very late 90s), it could be the start of a beautiful new lit-tech relationship.
"Over Easter a church in the US re-created the death and Resurrection of Christ through tweets … maybe we are only just beginning to appreciate the potential of Twitter as an art form," he enthuses. However, the Telegraph, with winning understatement, points out that "literary purists may be put off by the internet slang".
It is believed the trend started with a group of Florida students Tweeting Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew: "A woman shouts at some men. A man tells her to stop or he'll hit her. She stops. They kiss. That's all right then." Collins has now collected some of the microbloggers' potted gems in the book, including:
jamesjoyce: Man walks around Dublin. We follow every minute detail of his day. He's probably overtweeting.
Great Expectations
charlesdickens: Orphan given £££ by secret follower. He thinks it's @misshavisham but it turns out to be @magwitch
Waiting for Godot
Samuel Beckett: "Vladimir and Estragon stand next to tree and wait for Godot. Their status is not updated."
Can you do better?